Monday, January 7, 2013

Results of My 2012 Resolutions

My 2012 Resolutions, the ones that stuck and the ones that lasted a little while.....

1. Cut out dairy.
(You see, I've cut out milk but the rest needs to go in order to keep my esophagus happy)

- Well, it lasted until July 4th and then there was all of that homemade ice cream sitting around and someone had to eat it. Now, I'm back to my old dairy habits and other than a couple of flare ups my dairy reactions are actually pretty normal.

2. Write enough songs to record an EP. (& get some time in the studio THIS year)

-This sadly, did not happen. Although I have almost an entire journal of lyric ideas and tons of tiny voice recordings on my phone waiting to be explored. 2013 will be a better year for music, I promise.

3. Spend quality time traveling and seeing new parts of the world.

-Thinking back it's hard to remember all of the trips I've taken in the past year. SUCCESS!
It seemed as if most of the year was spent planning and making trips happen. I ran in two 5ks, one of which was in Silver Dollar City. I went to a couple college towns, and to my fair share of out of town weddings. I went to Minneapolis, Minnesota for a girls two-day trip for a quick pit-stop in Ikea. I spent some quality time in Colorado with my family (I even went white water rafting!) , and in Nebraska with one of my best friends. 2012 has been a great year full of adventure and meeting tons of new friends. I also found a handfull of great new restaurants.
4. Enjoy the alone time I get instead of squandering it watching television or on facebook.
 -I spent more of my free time traveling, and I picked up two more jobs. Which basically means I am a workaholic and in my free time in order to avoid getting called in I have to leave town.

5. Read 5 books. (Starting with the ones I was gifted Christmas)

- I read a few books this year. I was in a book club, although we fell apart a little because I work too much to have a consistent schedule. We successfully read one book together. I also started writing a book, mainly for myself but it's been a fun adventure.

Little Bee.
Catcher in the Rye.
The Perks of Being A Wallflower.
& I almost finished J.K. Rowling's newest, but I still have about 50 pages.

6. Dream a little more. (This was a resolution last year that I met, but need to continue.)

- I have dreamed some big dreams, and things are coming in 2013... just wait!

7. Be happy with where I am, and if I'm not then to get the heck out as quickly as possible.

-Done and done. I feel so good about where I am and where I am going. 2013 is going to be one heck of a ride.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I work three jobs too. Random hours and days so little one doesn't have to be in daycare. I totally understand work dominating your schedule.

Good luck in 2013!