Sunday, March 24, 2013

Getting my toes wet...

...with a little worship music in Texas.

The Hibbsy's attend Water's Edge Allen and must have been nearly harassing the worship leader and their friend Daniel about letting me sing long before my arrival. As much as I love them for speaking highly of my voice, I have relly enjoyed sitting back the last two weeks and watching the service. It's nice to not jump into everything at once. I have met my fair share of kind strangers and have definitely had my share of new experiences in the last two weeks. Thankfully, Daniel understood (without any sort of communication) and let me just enjoy a couple sundays without the stress involved of a new venture.

So, today, I sang with Water's Edge for the first time. I'm excited to say it was not even close to terrible and I will be singing with them again. This was the first time I have sang with strangers. I mean, I've spent some time with Daniel in the last two weeks socially, but worship is a weird thing. As much as I care about sounding good and being professional in my actions during rehearsal and the set, it's not about me and today when the nerves began there was a weird peace.

         It's just worship.

Thank goodness the church is forgiving of mistakes, because I definitely had my share this morning. Still, it's worship and all that really matters is that God helps me create a space in which others can come before him.

       Worship is not about me, at all. There is peace because it isn't about me. There is freedom.

After all, I truly believe The Lord wanted me to move to Texas to wrestle with what to do about my desire to sing in the first place. So, let the struggle begin... 

I also have to take a moment and thank the Driskells and Scott Loring for making me sing Hosanna a million times. My first thought when I saw that on the list for today was "Thank God, I'm singing my bread and butter song."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your pansy adventures are turning into a book I can't put down. I admire your courage to always go head first with your heart. :)