Thursday, April 4, 2013

Texas peace.

Texas is a dream.

If you've seen any of my posts on any social networking sites you probably are under the impression that all I do is eat and indulge in ridiculousness. It seems like every day there is something going on, and it's nice for someone like me that thrives in the chaos. But, Texas is so much more than that.

Texas is a dream come true.

Everything about this place is weird. (I mean that in the nicest possible way). It's comforting and terrifying at the same time. It feels foreign and like a home away from home. I feel so grown up here. Never in my life did I imagine being 23 and living states away from my entire family and the majority of my friends. Never in my life did I imagine being happy working a minimum wage job and lollygagging around with strangers, but here I am. Here, I am happy and I feel this weird peace about everything I do.

I've always been an independent soul, only really feeling like I rely on my dad to come save the day on occasion. Here, I am confident and it's so strange. Don't get me wrong, I still struggle all the time. I still struggle with feeling alone and bitter on a daily basis. The Lord is still teaching me about my identity in Him and the irrational worldly fears that seem to control my life. He is faithful and He is good. I feel myself becoming my best version here. Everything I do feels bolder here. I am so much more sure of myself because I know The Lord desired me to be here. I know I could never do this on my own. I am thankful for His guidance and His wisdom more than I can put into words.

There is a calm peace in my heart because I know that I am exactly where I am supposed to be.

Even on my rough days here, which there have been, my struggles seem so much easier. It's weird because I made myself a great community in Kansas City that I miss so dearly. Here, I am the newb everywhere I go. I am usually the third, fifth or seventh wheel. Still, the people here are fantastic and I am so thankful for the genuine souls I have already met. They have welcomed me into their lives and homes. Still there are days when I am feeling alone and surrounded by strangers, I am learning that The Lord is enough. These lessons will be ones to last a lifetime. They are all good battles to fight, especially while I have few responsibilities in life. I have nothing tying me to any one place. I am thankful for that. The world feels small and welcoming. I want to continue to explore and learn all the days of my life.

Texas feels like a good place to start. 

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