Thursday, January 9, 2014

2014: A year of bravery and ridiculousness

2013 was a year of adventure, growth, and constant struggle.

There really isn't a better way to describe this year than an endless ride on the struggle bus. As silly as that sounds, just imagine the constant attitude adjustments and arising issues on a "struggle bus." That was 2013. It was good, but it was one of the more difficult years in my life thus far. I moved away from home, for real, for the very first time. That alone has proved itself to be the best and most challenging decision I have ever made. I can say, with great pride, that I fulfilled each of my resolutions.

I had the opportunity to return home to bring in the new year, and am absolutely thrilled that I was able to do so. I've missed Kansas City, and I needed to see a few familiar faces. I tried to remain rather unplugged while I was home, which resulted in little proof that I left Texas in the first place. So, finally, I'm able to share my resolutions so that you can be an active part of my new year.

Here we go.
     Each year I make seven resolutions.

The qualifications for my resolutions are:
1) It must be realistic
2)The degree of success must be irrelevant. (I operate on a pass/fail system for my resolutions)
3) It must challenge my worldview

In 2014, I resolve to be BOLD and ridiculous. I want to be brave.

I resolve to....

1) Explore Texas.
I want to spend quality time discovering Dallas, especially downtown this summer. I want to know the burbs like the back of my hand. I want to see more of Houston and Austin. I want to visit new cities too, get to know Texans, and see what the big fuss is all about. (I love this place so far, but I've seen very little of it)

2) Be bold in my relationships.
I want to take more initiative and invite acquaintances to become friends. I used to be like that, and I want more of that in my life. I want to know no strangers. I also want to be able to stand up for myself in a more positive way. I want to be able to set boundaries and draw lines to guard my heart. I want to be a better friend and a more caring stranger.

3) Dream Bigger.
I'm not much of a dreamer. I'm more of a planner and accomplish-er. I tend to fly by the seat of my pants when it comes to the "what's next" in life. I want to believe big and wonderful things can and will happen. I want to be a more wishful and positive person. I need to explore the good and dwell less on the worst case scenarios.

4) Move.
It doesn't have to be across the country again, maybe it will be just across town. I love where I am, but I know that the time is coming. I can feel it in my bones. Something big is going to happen soon and it's time to take chances and struggle a little bit more on my own.

5) Love on the people that matter in my life more.
I want to be more intentional with the free time that my current job allows. I want to keep up with what is going on in the lives of the people that matter to me. I want my friends to feel cherished and cared for.

6) Make my alone time matter.
Lately, I've found myself alone a lot more often than I would like. I want to make that alone time matter. I want to spend more time growing in my personal relationship with the Lord and less time napping. I want to be less lazy and more purposeful.

7) Be ridiculous.
Smart, careful, but ridiculous. I want to have fun. I want to go new places with new people and just enjoy my life. I want to feel like I'm in my 20s with the whole world in front of me. I want to always be exploring, learning, and full of joy. I want the old parts of me that were good to come back and be even better. I want to want big things for myself. I want to be all-in more often.

So, there ya go folks. There's my seven.
I'm wishing and praying all the best things for you as the new year unfolds.

May 2014 challenge you in the best possible way.

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