Monday, February 10, 2014

Getting ahead of myself...

In less than two months I'll be turning 24. Seeing as I tend to make a much larger deal of my birthday than most, I decided this year should be no exception.

So, in true pre-birthday celebration I have decided to go ahead and set my goals for the year. Alright, maybe it's a little early to start and a little redundant because we just got over the new years resolution mode. I guess I just am too excited, and maybe a little too type A, to wait to share about my year.

Here are a couple examples of my birthday goals.

22 was all about health.
I (attempted) to train for a half-marathon. I got up to 7 miles and quit. Training was ultimately too time-consuming. I tried to keep up with 3 miles, 3 times a week and mostly succeeded. Also, I ran in a couple 5ks with friends. I went Dairy-free for seven months (until I just had to have ice cream). I kicked my acid reflux in the tail!

23 was: the year of Jordan (also known as the year of magic)
I started out by visiting Chicago with my friends Amanda & Cherise and seeing my first ever NBA game. Obviously, I had to see the Bulls play Lebron. Shortly after my return from my very first adult vacation I moved south, to Texas, to pursue life and wonderful things. Texas has been a dream even on the hardest of days. 23 has been and continues to be a year full of dreams.

I want 24 to be a year of growth.
I want to push my mind and body. I want to read a book a week. Reading inspires me to write and think about things I would usually ignore. Reading also improves my lifestyle. It encourages me to live out dreams and my faith, become a better person, and be a little ridiculous in the meantime.

So, in order to make that happen I need a little help.
I need a few more book recommendations.... (at least 14 more)
Pretty please leave me a few ideas... I'll post my final book list on my 24th birthday.


Unknown said...

Are you interested in fiction or non-fiction? Is there a genre that just makes you bored automatically? And is that exactly the kind of challenge you're looking for?

Without knowing the answer to this question, I give you the following fiction:
1. The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis
2. Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury
3. The Search for Wondla by Tony DiTerlizzi
4. The Magicians by Lev Grossman

With the exception of #1^, these are all recent favorites of mine. No stupid romance stuff!

Unknown said...

Oh cool. I'm logged in as my WoW character. /facepalm

Cass said...

I tend to shy away from the whole genre of fantasy fiction (if that's even what you call it). I don't like extreme anything in literature. My favorite books right now are The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Body Language (a super nerdy read), and I just read the entire Divergent series. I love a good YA read, but I need to branch out.